
Tuesday 26 February 2019

A Cognitive Toolkit for the Rationalist. 2/6: What, Me Biased?

Chapter 4: Intelligence vs rationality

Why does it seem impossible to convince people by citing facts?
Let’s start with a description of rationality. It is an incomplete description but still useful.
A rational person exhibits “fully disjunctive reasoning”. That means reasoning that considers all possibilities. The human mind has a built-in tendency to trade-off accuracy (“truth”) for efficiency (“quick decisions”), effectively taking shortcuts to conclusions. In the past this has helped our ancestors to survive in the wild. In fact, some complex tasks that require skill (like driving or playing a musical instrument) are better accomplished by not thinking consciously the whole time. But while fully disjunctive reasoning may be computationally expensive, and not practical to apply all the time, it is usually necessary when attempting to reach accurate conclusions from a large volume of facts.
A rational person possesses certain “mindware”, or cognitive tools if you like. One of them is the scientific methodstarting with the facts, seeking tangible evidence for other peoples claims, forming and testing ones own hypotheses etc. Also very useful are tools that help to account for uncertainty (or randomness), like the concept of probability. More tools were described in Chapter 1 (in the previous post (Part 1) in this series).
Does this mean that only scientists (or statisticians) can be “rational”? No. We would like concepts like “hypothesis” and “probability” to be practical, commonsensical tools that we can use, rather than rigorous, mathematical notions for geeks to bore us with.
Now that we have a working understanding of what rationality means to us, we may expect intelligent people to be (on average) more rational than less intelligent people. But studies actually find a quite low correlation (less than 0.3 on a scale that goes from -1 to 1) between intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, and rationality as described here. Is there an explanation for this?
We can investigate in terms of a few known cognitive obstacles to rationality.

 Einstellung effect: The tendency to apply tried-and-tested solutions to problems which seem to fit a pattern of previously encountered problems, instead of evaluating each problem from first principles. It is also described as the development of a mechanized state of mind.
Confirmation bias: The tendency to interpret new information and recall old information in a way that confirms one’s pre-existing beliefs. It can also manifest as a tendency to seek out facts which support pre-existing beliefs and ignore facts which contradict them.
Implicit bias: The ability to recognize patterns and make generalizations are critical to the way our minds make sense of the world. But the same thought processes that make people smart also tend to make them biased. Most people are implicitly biased even if they do not think of themselves as prejudiced (e.g. racist or sexist). This becomes clear, for instance, when comparing “stated” preferences against “revealed” preferences.
Groupthink: Occurs when a group makes suboptimal (or irrational) decisions because individuals within the group want to minimize conflict and maximize consensus. The more cohesive a group, the more prone it is to groupthink. In the play (and movie) Twelve Angry Men, members of a jury under the spell of groupthink, are ready to convict an innocent man for murder.
A combination of these factors can partly explain why ideas like evolution, climate change (and the idea of an earth that is not flat!) continue to have large numbers of deniers. As we saw in Chapter 3, no amount of evidence is sufficient to “prove” a theory right. But the issue is not with lack of credible evidenceit is with denying that evidence is even relevant to the discussion.
Many of the ideas presented in this chapter so far can be found in the book Return to ReasonThe Science of Thought published by Scientific American.
In addition to these, I feel that age and indoctrination may be factors that strongly influence rationality, or lack of it. Why age? Younger people are more responsive to new informationchildren wouldnt be able to pick up languages so quickly otherwise. But they are less exposed to diverse viewpoints through peer interactions, though this is less true now thanks to the internet. Conversely, older people are less responsive to new information for reasons already described. But they are less dependent on authority figures and more exposed to diverse viewpoints.
Some societies (e.g. Islamic countries) are more ideologically rigid than others, so even adults could be less exposed to diverse viewpoints. Statements made by authority figures are expected to be believed by fiat. We’ve already seen how evidence in conflict with core beliefs tends to be ignored or discredited, while evidence that supports tends to be filtered in. What do I mean by “core beliefs”? These would be beliefs in which an individual is heavily investedessentially one’s ideology. They may be beliefs in which one’s identity (family, community, nation…) is anchored or beliefs imbibed from authority figures (parents, teachers, employers…). When new ideas start to spread, those most invested in old belief systems are expected to resist them, much as the petroleum lobby does its best to block renewable energy.
While some beliefs prop up our identity, others derive from our moral sense; e.g. if injustice ought to be corrected someone must do the correcting. This can actually give rise to the paradox of self-fulfilling beliefs; e.g. trial by ordeal practised in medieval times actually worked in a lot of cases. Studies show without a doubt that placebo effects are real and measurable, though the precise mechanism remains unknown.
Finally, there is another reason for myths to be preferred over scientific theories, and it is well encapsulated in this poetic statementthe universe is made of stories, not atoms”. We understand best through analogy. Stories go beyond analogythey allow the reader to insert themselves into the centre of the narrative. But it is possible only because stories have human (or anthropomorphic) characters. Unfortunately, a poor analogy always confounds more than it clarifies. Fundamental concepts are often best understood from “first principles” even if it means wading through jargon and math. Otherwise you end up with Quantum Woo and New Age Science.
Am I suggesting that the Rationalist is immune to, or has somehow been able to transcend, these biases? Certainly not. Everyone is biased. All we can do is be aware of our inherent biases and try to prevent them from shaping our beliefsprecisely what the methods outlined in Chapter 1 are designed to do.

Chapter 5: Social media

Could social media be creating cultural and ideological bubbles?
While the internet has got to be the most powerful way for people across the world to get exposed to diverse knowledge and ideas from outside their community, it can also have a perverse, polarizing influence. For instance, take social media. Regardless of the reasons for each individual user to be on a social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube…) the “goal” of the platform is the sameto retain maximum number of active users and to ensure that each user spends as much time as possible on the platform. Each of these goals is tied to revenue from digital advertising. And the platform, through a set of robotic algorithms running in the background, pursues this goal blindly and relentlessly, exploiting whatever it “knows” about your tastes, preferences and ideological leanings.
One of these algorithms is the Recommender Engineit feeds the user suggestions for content that it predicts the user will be “interested” in. So YouTube might show you recommendations based on what other users clicked on right after watching the same video that you just watched. And it may use your clicks to similarly generate recommendations for other users. Google Search may sort or filter your search results based on information that it has about you (your location, search history etc.) and not just your search phrase, effectively hiding results that it “thinks” might not be of interest to you.
There is another way in which content on social media is different from traditional media: most of the content is crowd-sourced (or user-generated”). That means the cost for an individual or small group, of publishing content to anyone who cares to consume it, is much lower than it used to be with traditional media, where content was filtered (in effect moderated) by a publishing industry. Though this new, democratic process of content-generation is exciting and in some sense fair, it does have a side-effect. Relatively extreme views can now be broadcast via mainstream platforms, to huge audiences, where earlier those wanting to express any views (extreme or otherwise) had to go through the effort of writing books or magazine columns or speaking at public forums. To add to that, there is no need to maintain even a modicum of factual accuracy when it comes to user-generated content. This is more than evident from many YouTube videos and the problem of fake news on WhatsApp.
All these factors combine to create filter bubbles and echo chambers. It may have a part in explaining manipulation of voter sentiment with rumours, the growing animosity between right-wing and liberal across the world, and radicalization of youth through online propaganda.
The Rationalist can hope to avoid the manipulative aspects of the internet and social media just by being aware of them. Every time YouTube appears to be leading you down a narrow alley, ignore the “recommendations” and enter a fresh search. Use search engines that respect your privacy. Don’t read YouTube comments, they are mostly spam anyway. These are my humble tips. A little bit can be a lot.

Written by Ambar Nag

(Continued in Part 3)

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